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4 reasons why you need to start meal planning

1. Savings!! By planning your meals and supermarket shops you’ll have so much as you won’t be buying unnecessary ingredients or be tempted to impulse buy those sneaky supermarket specials.

Supermarket aisle

2. Less wastage. By planning out your meals at the start of the week, you can better make use of leftovers and the ingredients you have on hand. Meaning no meals go to waste and no ingredients go out of date and have to be thrown away.

3. Saves you time. One great benefit of meal planning is that it saves you time! By planning ahead and even cooking in bulk and freezing portions, you’ll save yourself so much time and stress throughout the week. Plus you’ll have a stocked pantry with all the required ingredients to make the week’s meals, meaning no unplanned trips to the supermarket after work!


4. It benefits your health. By meal planning, you’ll be eating at home more often and not tempted to go out for dinner or order take-away because you “don’t know what to cook”. And by eating more home-cooked meals means you know exactly what ingredients have gone into the meal and you can even plan ahead and research healthy recipes to substitute for your favourite takeaway.

Healthy Salads

Now you know why you should be meal planning, but whats the best way to do it? Use a whiteboard to display your meal plan is your best option! That way its clear and always visible for the whole household to see.

The Justick Mini Whiteboard is the perfect board for this! Its small, slim design makes it the perfect little meal planning assistance and its perfectly at home in the kitchen or living room. Buy yours online from our website here.

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